

GET /content/item/{model}

Get single content item

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/imprint" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/imprint', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • locale Return content for specified locale type: string

  • filter Url encoded filter json type: json

  • fields Url encoded fields projection as json type: json

  • populate Populate item with linked content items. type: int

POST /content/item/{model}

Create or update content item

curl -X POST "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/posts" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{
  "data": {
     "title": "Hello World!"
     "content": "Lorem Ipsum..."
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/posts', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  body: JSON.stringify({
        data: {...}
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • data Content item data type: object

GET /content/item/{model}/{id}

Get single content item by id

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/2fd457c3376537fb3d0001e2" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/2fd457c3376537fb3d0001e2', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • id Conten item id required: true type: string

  • locale Return content for specified locale type: string

  • fields Url encoded fields projection as json type: json

  • populate Populate item with linked content items. type: int

DELETE /content/item/{model}/{id}

Delete content item by id

curl -X DELETE "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/2fd457c3376537fb3d0001e2" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/item/2fd457c3376537fb3d0001e2', {
  method: 'DELETE',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • id Conten item id required: true type: string

GET /content/items/{model}

Use this API endpoint whenever you want to fetch data from a collection (a content model a list of items).

Example: For a content model faq data can be fetched using the following request.

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/faq" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/faq', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • locale Return content for specified locale type: string

  • filter Url encoded filter json type: json

  • sort Url encoded sort json type: json

  • fields Url encoded fields projection as json type: json

  • limit Max amount of items to return type: int

  • skip Amount of items to skip type: int

  • populate Populate items with linked content items. type: int

GET /content/tree/{model}

Use this API endpoint whenever you want to fetch nested tree model items.

Example: For a content model categories data can be fetched using the following request.

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/tree/categories" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/tree/categories', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • model Model name required: true type: string
  • locale Return content for specified locale type: string

  • fields Url encoded fields projection as json type: json

  • populate Populate items with linked content items. type: int

GET /content/items

Batch request content from multiple content models.


curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items?models={faq:{}, articles:{sort:{_created:-1}}}" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items?models={faq:{}, articles:{sort:{_created:-1}}}', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));


  • models Models query config required: true type: string
  • locale Return content for specified locale type: string

  • populate Populate items with linked content items. type: int


To filter content items you have to use Mongo Query syntax.

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/faq?filter={fieldA:'test'}" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
fetch('https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/faq?filter={fieldA:"test"}', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    "api-key": "a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response));

Project Fields to Return from Query

The fields parameter is used in API calls to limit the fields returned from the content api. This is useful to narrow down the response to only include necessary information.

Read more about the projection capabilities in the Mongo Fields Projection documentation.

Example: Return only the questions of faq items.

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/faq?fields={question:1}" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"


Pagination allows the retrieval of a subset of entries. It's helpful when dealing with large content collections, as it reduces server load and streamlines the user experience. The parameters limit and skip are used for pagination.

Example: Get a maximum of 10 posts and skip the first 20

curl -X GET "https://cockpit.tld/api/content/items/posts?limit=10&skip=20" \
 -H "api-key: a2ea86ea065a6d2301a8b4a535bc"